Hello,  Welcome to natarajanraman.in. Thanks for your interest and time in advance.

Am proud to be working at Patterns, which is India’s first software design school.

Patterns was started in the year 2012 by Mr. Suresh Kamath, one of the best human beings I have ever met.

We are very passionate about software design, Mobile app development, Machine Learning, IoT and other emerging technology.

We do,

  • Design Coaching
  • Design Consulting
  • Design R&D
  • Design Audit
  • Design Review
  • Product Development – Web as well as Mobile and Devices.

Patterns mission is to make many youngsters take up software design and make great products that can serve humanity.

As a Principal Architect – Emerging Technologies I focus on the following Industry trends,

  • Design R&D
  • Android App Development & Training
  • Machine Learning
  • IoT
  • Cloud and
  • Social Media

You can follow me at,

LinkedIn : LinkedIn

Twitter: @natahere

 Thank you!